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    new balance 結果共48筆

  • 大谷專屬釘鞋「Ohtani 1」亮相! 白底金屬LOGO超吸睛

    美國職棒(MLB)日籍球星大谷翔平先前與運動品牌New Balance簽下代言合約,外界也對他專屬的產品相當關注,近日這雙名為「Ohtani 1」、以白色為底帶著金屬LOGO的釘鞋終於亮相,且將於美國時間7月15日上市。
    2024/06/21 15:05
  • 618大降價!adidas全館4折起 NB超夯鞋款68折入手

    618年中慶今(18)日開跑!許多業者都推出優惠下殺,讓消費者年中省荷包,要購入運動服飾、運動鞋的消費者,趕快搶這波優惠,像是最近路上人人一雙的New Balance 618下殺85折;adidas更下殺四折,中午官網還可以搶168優惠券。
    2024/06/18 09:40
  • Ko Wen-je supports new laws to prevent power abuse in Taiwan

    Discover the latest amendments to Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan law, aiming to balance government powers and ensure democratic integrity, as discussed by TPP leader Ko Wen-je.
    2024/05/30 14:06
  • Labor minister unveils plan to support working women

    Discover Taiwan’s new initiative to support female workers by promoting work-family balance and easing the caregiving burden, as announced by the Minister of Labor, He Pei-shan.
    2024/05/23 17:38
  • NB「1復古鞋款」特價省千元!意外掀世代戰:醜到不可思議

    復古球鞋風潮方興未艾,不少品牌紛紛推出懷舊感十足的經典鞋款,吸引眾多球鞋迷搶購。近日,New Balance更是復刻了2002年的經典鞋款2002RA,讓不少消費者引頸期盼。有網友看到該鞋款特價消息,好心分享給其他網友,沒想到卻意外在網路上引發世代間的口水戰。
    2024/05/19 10:26
  • Expanding childcare aid: Taiwan’s to ease parental burdens

    Explore Taiwan’s new approach to supporting families: Premier Chen Chien-jen announces plans for more flexible unpaid parental leave, expanded childcare services, and increased subsidies to ease the childcare burden. With a focus on diverse family roles and improved work-life balance, these measures aim to reduce childcare costs and encourage shared parental responsibilities.
    2024/05/09 16:42
  • Taiwan develops new drone defense system

    Discover the latest developments in Taiwan’s defense technology as the National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology successfully tests a new stationary drone defense system. Amidst budget freezes and legislative scrutiny, the system’s future hangs in the balance, with calls for transparency and detailed operational status from the military. Explore the intricate debate over national security and budget allocations in Taiwan’s legislative chambers.
    2024/05/08 18:37
  • 全家xNew Balance推「最潮霜淇淋」 加碼買2送1吃爆

    全家5月Fami!ce霜淇淋來啦!5/5起與New Balance跨界合作,推出「灰潮香草」代表口味,雙口味門市更推出大家最愛的茶風味「炭焙烏龍」霜淇淋,打造今夏最潮的霜淇淋!5/5至5/31買霜淇淋還免費送限量的「吊飾造型芳香片」,並加贈New Balance百元購物金兌換券。全家APP隨買跨店取還有連4天霜淇淋買2送1,數量有限快開吃囉!
    2024/05/04 09:52
  • 一排路人穿「國民潮鞋」等紅燈!他也撞鞋 網笑:爛大街了

    2024/04/17 14:19
  • 一平掰掰!大谷翔平自立自強英文介紹球鞋 網讚:別依賴翻譯

    MLB道奇隊看板球星大谷翔平的前翻譯員水原一平涉嫌違法賭博、盜用大谷銀 行戶頭的錢財,兩人曾經形影不離,如今水原卻被當局禁止與大谷接觸。不過身旁沒了水原一平之後,大谷近日似乎有了更多開口說英文的機會,ESPN分享了一段短片,是大谷翔平罕見以英文介紹自己腳上的New Balance釘鞋,雖然大谷講英文時仍有些生疏,但在鏡頭前不再完全依賴翻譯員,引發球迷熱議。
    2024/04/15 10:57
  • IU也有這款!5雙必買「厚底小白鞋」推薦 顯高顯瘦不NG

    對於嬌小的女生來說,偷偷增高,真的好重要!!!近期各家球鞋、快時尚品牌們,也就陸陸續續推出了具有厚底增高效果的球鞋們,從美腿神器PUMA、機能品牌PALLADIUM到IU同款的New Balance 550,想買鞋子的你,別錯過啦~
    2024/04/13 13:48
  • MLB/大谷專屬Logo曝 新球季不只打DH還要「挑戰野手」

    目前人在南韓首爾,準備新球季開幕戰的大谷翔平,與他合作的知名運動品牌New Balance日前釋出最新的動畫影片,除了以素描繪畫風格,向粉絲呈現大谷的跑壘動作,還展示一款專屬大谷本人的Logo,引起不少討論。不過,更令球迷驚訝的是,《美聯社》最新報導指出,雖然受傷被迫暫停投球,但接受手術後的大谷翔平,很可能在回歸美國本土後,會在新球季慢慢啟動投球訓練,讓他不只有「指定打擊」(DH)的單一身份,甚至有機會在大聯盟新球季,看見大谷翔平站上內外野進行守備。
    2024/03/19 12:20
  • 谷粉瘋搶大谷太太同款式 恩愛合照「這雙球鞋」超速賣光

    MLB道奇球星大谷翔平今年2月29日在個人IG帳號突發宣布結婚,妻子是一名「普通日本女性」,道奇隊於台灣時間14日深夜在官方帳號驚喜公布大谷與妻子的雙人合照,引發球迷熱議。日媒《周刊郵報》報導,在大谷夫婦的合照中,妻子田中真美子腳下穿的白色New Balance運動鞋在網路上立刻銷售一空,再加上大谷先前曾透露,妻子生日時有送她鞋子作為禮物,因此大谷妻子的同款球鞋也成為谷粉們瘋搶的商品之一。
    2024/03/15 15:48
  • 大谷翔平公開愛妻合照!田中真美子穿搭悄放閃 超甜亮點被看光

    29歲日本球星大谷翔平2月29日宣布結婚喜訊,昨(14)日白色情人節這天終於公開愛妻身分,正是前籃球好手田中真美子,他在IG分享搭機前往韓國首爾舉辦的海外開幕戰,夫妻倆穿著運動帽T,更穿著New Balance 運動鞋低調放閃,甜蜜感情閃瞎網友。
    2024/03/15 12:29
  • 微風精品限時特賣會「1折起」 NIKE、愛馬仕快來搶

    「Breeze Couture」微風代理精品今(28)天起舉辦10年來首度最低折扣特賣會,集結歐美精品高端潮流男女裝alexanderwang、MM6 Maison Margiela、Ports1961、Portspure,國際精品童裝Chloe、Fendi、Balenciaga、Moncler、Moschino、Off White …等寶貝服飾全面1折起、英國頂級奢華內衣Agent Provocateur 1折起、潮流鞋履New Balance、NIKE限時下殺全面單一特價,法國頂級帽飾Maison Michel、潮服FACETSAM…等,破天荒全場1折起。特賣會獨家設立「結束代理品牌專區」超過5千件國際精品下至1折。
    2024/02/28 09:44
  • New Taipei collects 160kg of litter post-Lantern Festival

    Join over a hundred volunteers in New Taipei City as they collaborate to clean up mountains, removing 160 kilograms of litter, including sky lanterns. Demonstrating a commitment to environmental protection, these efforts aim to balance tourism and natural preservation.
    2024/02/26 11:19
  • KMT’s Johnny Chiang proposes sweeping parliamentary reforms

    Kuomintang (KMT) lawmaker Johnny Chiang announces plans for parliamentary reform, aiming to create a more representative legislature. Chiang criticizes the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for reducing the legislative yuan to an executive department during their eight-year term. He proposes amendments to ensure substantive responses from officials and full access to concealed data. Chiang emphasizes the importance of protecting parliamentary dignity, maintaining oversight balance, and preventing administrative abuses. He welcomes the end of single-party dominance and hopes for a more diverse democratic practice in the new legislative yuan. Chiang calls for extensive discussions on legislative amendments and collective effort to establish a new parliament that honors fresh public opinion.
    2024/01/25 11:08
  • 大谷翔平送6萬棒球手套捐全日本國小 網竟開價10萬轉賣

    2024/01/23 12:34
  • New political landscape emerges with Taiwan’s elections

    Taiwan’s recent elections see the DPP securing a third term, a historic feat, but a legislative majority eludes major parties. Ko Wen-je’s appeal among young voters and improving gender balance in the legislature are key highlights.
    2024/01/19 17:46
  • TPP emerges as new force in Taiwan’s political landscape

    Explore the latest developments in Taiwan’s political landscape following the recent legislative election. Learn about the new balance of power in the Legislative Yuan, the rise of the TPP, and the focus on domestic issues over cross-strait relations. Understand how these election results reflect changing voter sentiments in Taiwan’s vibrant democracy.
    2024/01/15 17:07
  • 以前是老人牌?New Balance翻紅5原因 「她」扭轉印象

    2024/01/10 21:53
  • 新國民球鞋誕生!這品牌「滿街都在穿」 一票點頭:復古魅力

    談及運動品牌龍頭,腦中浮現的是Nike和Adidas兩大品牌,不過就有網友發現,New Balance的市占率很高,走在路上能發現至少7成以上的人都在穿New Balance,好奇問「 全民都在穿New Balance是怎樣?」
    2024/01/07 11:09
  • DPP’s Lai promises High Speed Rail, expressways for Pingtung

    Lai Ching-te, the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) Presidential candidate, announced at a rally in Pingtung his plans to construct a Taiwan High-Speed Rail line and two expressways in the area. Lai aims to balance Taiwan’s national development projects and bring more support and assistance to Pingtung, transforming it into a "beautiful new homeland." His promises include extending the high-speed rail to Chaozhou Township, reducing travel time from Taipei to less than two hours. Lai also intends to attract high-tech industries, introduce agricultural technology, and enhance the export competitiveness of local farm produce. Additionally, he plans to uplift tourism service quality in Pingtung, transforming Kenting into a destination similar to Bali and developing Dapeng Bay into a Hawaii-like getaway. Lai emphasized Pingtung’s importance in the implementation of the New Southbound Policy, highlighting its potential contribution to Taiwan’s development in collaboration with other southern counties and cities. He credited his past contributions to Pingtung’s development, such as the Pingtung Veterans General Hospital, to the efforts of former Pingtung County Commissioner Pan Men-an, current commissioner Chou Chun-mi, and legislators. Lai seeks local residents’ support to make Pingtung glorious again.
    2023/12/22 11:00
  • Hsiao Bi-khim stresses strength for Taiwan’s status quo

    DPP vice-presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim emphasized the importance of strength in maintaining Taiwan’s status quo and preventing bullying. She highlighted the current state and prospects of U.S.-Taiwan relations, noting that U.S. policy has consistently supported maintaining the status quo and opposing the use of force. Hsiao mentioned that under Xi Jinping’s leadership, the U.S. has shifted to view China competitively but does not seek a new Cold War. She emphasized critical issues of peace, security, and economic cooperation in Taiwan-U.S. ties, including the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade. Hsiao underscored Taiwan’s determination to defend itself, citing the national defense budget and military modernization reforms. She referred to herself as a "cat warrior" and advocated for government reform and a balanced international stance. Hsiao urged that Taiwan not become a divisive issue between American political parties and emphasized the need for a proper balance amidst U.S.-China competition to ensure Taiwan’s safe and steady progression.
    2023/12/20 21:21
  • 鞋櫃看看!盤點「最多人穿球鞋」TOP5 這雙每個顏色都霸榜

    2023/12/03 14:05
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